The brand new hypersensitive security Magno-meter, at BG airport had kept buzzing, when I went trough it. The flashing light and noise havoc continued when I was held up and even after I explained, that my bra's wires most likely had triggered the alarm.
Even after the security hand scanning confirmed the reason, I wasn't let pass through. The change in my hair's color which was different from the one in my passport's photo, raised the security's staff suspicion, and further contributed to my being held behind and questioned by a higher ranking security figure .
Am not sure what happened to commonsense scanning judgment, at the airport, but there was none, that morning, when I was, for the first time, suspected, at my advanced age, a security hazard, due to wearing a wired bra...
A bright sunny day, welcomed my dear friend Edna's and mine's arrival, in Italy, that early morning, after a shorten night sleep, so we could catch a 5:00am flight. Luckily the flight to Rome with the revised ITA airline departed and arrived on time, was reasonable, however served uneatable meager breakfast
Landing in Rome
Getting through passport control and retrieving our luggage, were extremely efficient and fast. Also the trains' connections from Rome's Da Vinci humongous airport to Rome's city center, and after to Florence, were well synchronized
The train ride through Rome's suburbs, was very non-remarkable
Getting into Rome's center
The 30 minutes train ride to Rome's main Train Termini Station , was smooth as was the Express Italia hour and a half train's ride, into Florence ( schedule)
Scenes of Toscana's pastoral agriculture landscape, green fields and rolling hill, gad kept revealing, in full speed, through the windows of the galloping Express train ,

It was my third visit to this enchanting region, My previous visits were over 30 years ago, and for a very brief time,
Thus this opportunity to explore Florence for longer (a week) and more thoroughly, in a company of a same mindset friend, was a really special occasion.
A cab picked up at Santa Maria Novella Train terminal station,

It was driven by a women, for which setting up a meter to monitor the ride's fee, was obvious (unlike in Israel) dropped us off 10 minutes cab-ride later, from the west part of town, at Piazza Davanzati, in front of our city center hotel
Piazza dei Davanzati is a modern square in the historic center of Florence , located along via Porta Rossa. It was conceived in the 19thc as a clearing that gave light to the beautiful Florentine Palazzo Davanzati at the time of the restoration of Florence .
The modest but quaint hotel Davanzati in which we stayed for a week, is just next to the Palazzo Davanzati which is also a museum

This enchanting type-cast Palace, of the period, ,was built in 14th c by the Davizzi - a notable Florentine merchant and banker family, and is well worth the visit.
It was sold to the Bartolini Salimbeni family in 1516.
And in 1578 It was purchased by the powerful Davanzati family - also merchants and bankers,
The third owners coat of arms is still visible on the palace's facade and it remained in their possession until 1838, when it was divided into several flats and suffered severe damage.

In 1904 it was purchased and restored by the antique dealer Elia Volpi, who entirely furnished it and opened it to the public in 1910 as Museum of the Old Florentine House. The palace was purchased due to dire events, again in 1951 by the State that re-organised it and opened it once more to the public in 1956.
Its most important feature is the Tower architectural structure, that represents the transition stage from the medieval tower house to the Renaissance building. and an original facade decorated with a three-arch loggia, now closed that was once open and used as a shop,.
The kitchen on the top floor to avoid fires
The present arrangement of the Museum aims at reconstructing the setting of an old Florentine home, with furniture and household tools
Bedroom Decorations
Hotel Davanzati Via Porta Rosa 5
This family-friendly 3 star great value hotel, is centrally located, right next to the oldest Florentine house: 14th c Davanzati Museum. as well as within a 5-minute walk of main city's attractions like Piazza della Signoria, Piazza Republica , the Duomo, Palazzo Vecchio, Ponte Vecchio, Uffizi Gallery. and near by other beautiful city's museums and artistic monuments .

Hotel Davanzati's history goes back almost a half century, and the Fuzier Cayla family who currently owns it has a tradition of running hotels for 4 generations. The level of service is great, the rooms are well equipped and breakfast is decent There are 26 steps from the street level to reach the hotel's elevator, however the luggage can be brought up, with ring the bell downstairs and someone of the staff
comes to assist. Also Happy Hour is held every eve from 6:30 to 7:30 at hotel's lobby
Ponta Santa Trinita Bridge
The picturesque Arno River from this day's first afternoon

The renaissance, oldest elliptic arch bridge in the world, was constructed by the Florentine architect Bartolomeo Ammannati from 1567 to 1569

Florence City's Historic Center
UNESCO World Heritage Site
It is noted for its culture, Renaissance art and architecture and stunning monuments.
Considered as "one of most beautiful city in the world" Florence was the birthplace of
the Renaissance, becoming a major artistic, cultural, commercial, political, economic and financial center.
It was most populated city in Tuscany a center of medieval European trade and finance and one of the wealthiest and cultural cities of prestige masterpieces of that era
As it rose to a position of enormous influence in Italy, Europe, it was also inflicted by
turbulent political history, which included periods of rule by the powerful Medici family and numerous religious and republican revolutions.

From 1865 to 1871 the city served as the capital of the Kingdom of Italy (established in 1861). The Florentine dialect forms the base of Standard Italian and it became the language of culture throughout Italy

An important center in Italian fashion, it is ranked in the top 15 fashion capitals of the world as is a major national economic center and a tourist and industrial hub.
Here is the list of the monuments in Florence with relevant information.
Feragamo Museum

As Edna kindly promised her friend to return a scarf, which was bought 4 years ago at a Feragamo store and which its many pocked holes needed a repair, the opportunity to visit the adjacent museum, couldn't be missed, that first afternoon
Museo Salvatore Ferragamo is a company museum dedicated to the history of the Ferragamo company, the life of its founder and his creations.
The Ferragamo family founded the museum in May 1995 to acquaint an international audience with the artistic qualities of Salvatore Ferragamo and the role he played in the history of footwear and international fashion
It was Salvatore Ferragamo’s widow, Wanda, who headed the company since the founder’s death in 1960, and her six children

Dinner at this recommended Osteria “Natalino”
Virgo Albizu 055289404
Specialized Cucinella Fiorentina,
This historic restaurant from 1880 is located in the narrow allies of the historic district of Santa Croce, known for its typical and traditional Florentine cuisine.
Gold stores on the famous Ponte Vecchio Bridge
The medieval stone closed-spandrel segmental arch bridge over the Arno River with shops built along it and the only bridge in Florence spared from destruction during the Second World War. Jewelers, art dealers, and souvenir sellers replaced what was once
a common practice for butchers, tanners, and farmers.

To be Continued Lili's Travel Diaries