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Story: "Never Again is Now" Together Against Antisemitism, 3/3/2024

Updated: Mar 6, 2024

Standing & Dancing United against Antisemitism

In response to escalating hate acts against the Jewish community over 5000 Jews and allies, throughout Northern California, proudly gathered in San Francisco on this rainy cold day weather for an historic unprecedented march against Jewish hate,

The march also championed the values of inclusion, respect, belonging, and democracy, reinforcing the community's commitment to a safe world, free from fear and prejudice.

FBI director Christopher Wray said at the end of last year that "antisemitism is near “historic levels” across the country, ADL marks a 360% increase in reported antisemitic incidents, and just this week in Berkeley's campus Jewish students were mobbed by pro-Palestinian attackers.

Similar to the marches in the UK, France, Germany, and Washington, the Jewish community, allies, and friends who refuse to stay silent and complicit and who

share these ideals, joined in solidarity, together, against the rise in the tsunami tide of hate.

Although the focus wasn't on Israel, many Blue and White Israeli flags were held up in pride, and the kidnapped were not forgotten either.


Considering that the entire event was conceived, fund raised, organized and executed, masterfully, not by any of the formal Jewish organizations/services,

but by a small group (mainly Israelis)

of tenacious deducted volunteers from Silicon valley, only proves that the power and courage of the human spirit, which refuses to succumb to complicity and which believes that silence is not a viable working option, is limitless.

The creative posters tell is all

The Embarcadero - Commencement Point

The swarming crowd who commenced at Embarcadero Plaza. was supplied with unity march posters and buttons against hate, and proceeded down to Market Street, heading toward the Civic Center (City Hall), where the rally unfolded and the lined up speakers gave amazing uplifting speeches.

Before the march began, a choreographed Mob -Dance, was preformed, by a group of

the march attendees, to the cheering delight of the gathering crowd.

The Super Mom with 3 little ones

Marching under the drizzling rain, together with a very large Hindu community allies, only further energize the crowd who was electrified by the sheer high number of the participants, by the just cause, and by the marching together, against hate, publicly in the streets of one of the most progressive cities in the country.

It is shame that no other ethnic group, which the Jewish community was the first to stand by its collective, and to fight for its civic rights (the Black and Asian)

on past occasions, wasn't to be seen.

It is a pure hateful distortion of reality to view the Jewish community minority of the US which consist of only 0.2% of the total population, as a supremacist white oppressors.

Even the deranged group of alleged "Jews" for Palestine and other hostile provocateurs who tailed along the way, trying to disrupt the march against hate, didn't mange to dampen the high spirited atmosphere of the togetherness in unity.

Our Piedmont Jewish township's group, which turned out in remarkable numbers to march together, definitely surprised, us - the 5 women who coordinated this representations, and who repeatedly reached out to the town's Jewish inhabitants, encouraging people to join in at this important historic event,

Welcoming the Piedmont crowd at the march's meeting point, was also warmly greeted, with give-away posters and pins.

Interview with the Piedmont Organizers' group

As I was a Yellow Jacket volunteer, during the one an a half hours walk, down Market St. I lost sight of the rest of the Piedmont group, as well as of my husband David and my dear friend Vera, all hidden in the mingling masses.

Despite the irritating rain and cold weather the larger then expected horde of people, stuck together at the Civic Center commencing area, patiently listening and cheering each of the eight speakers, who came one after the other, recounting their own experiences with inexcusable hateful comments, and vowing to do all they can to fight

antisemitic hate.

Speakers spearheading the March

Arrival at Civic Center

The Speakers at the Event - "Never Again in Now"

As a bonus, these additional 2 speakers, also addressed the public , while Zack Bonder

skillfuly MC-ing the entire event, with much charm and cheerful enthusiasm

Congressman Shri Thanedar Ambassador Marco Sermoneta Zach Bonder

Representative from Michigan Consul General San Francisco

The American technology executive, philanthropist, and writer. Sandberg who served as chief operating officer (COO) of Meta Platforms, a position from which she stepped down in August 2022, gave

a fantastic uplifting speech. (see video below) and served as a magnet for the entire event.

Media Coverage of the March (here)

By the time the entire event was over, my sinkers and socks were wet, while my nose, feet and hands red frozen. Yet despite this rainy cold weather day, my spirit was not dampened. On the contrary, the standing together in unity, the volume of commitment to fight hate, and the uplifting speeches, communicated strength and hope

Hope also flickered, by the end of the day in the appearance of a bright Rainbow , as is seen from a photo shared by one of the Piedmont group organizers.

Never Again is Now


PS. Thanks to all who so generously shared their photos

Special thanks to the amazing photos send by Rachel Podli

2 comentarios

Melanie Marcus
Melanie Marcus
05 mar 2024

Thank you Lili for your leadership and for always going above and beyond. You are a champion for Israel!

Me gusta

Галина Хавич
Галина Хавич
04 mar 2024

I attended the march. Great reporting! Thank you. San Rafael, Marin County.

Me gusta
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