Jul 2, 2020StoriesStory: Two weeks of confinement in TLV -IsraelThe two looooong weeks of in-house enclosure which has been enforced by the Israeli Health ministry on all in-comers from abroad, finally...
Mar 16, 2020CoronaStory: In the Shadow of the Corona- Personal Reflections # 1, CA, March 16/2020Date: 03/16/20 Place: Piedmont Ca This devouring COVID-19 pandemic as it has been unveiling on the center stages, of our shaky global...
Mar 11, 2020StoriesStory: Aborting Travel to Tahiti March 11/2020Date: March 11/2020 Place: Piedmont CA By: Lili Naveh Right, after "hovering" for 10 days in the virtual reality heaven of great movies,...