About an year after my daughter Keren wed Elie in the midst of the Corona pandemic
(read here) the new couple "gave birth" to Rugalach -nicked named Rugy, that further cemented their loving union.
The charming LabDuddle pup, with its white lam-like curly fur that was born in USA spent its very early puppy-hood, in the loving care and training of his Grand dog-sitters - Marsha and Kevin, Elie's parents, who got it from the breeder.
Prior to being flown all the way across the Atlantic, to Jerusalem,where it united with its rightful parental -dog sitters, Rugy was already well prepared to its nomad destiny.

This most internationally flown she-dog, has captured the hearts and souls of our entire family, due to its elegant allure, delicate nature, sweet personality and much playfulness.

Rugy got almost as much TLC (tender love care) and attention as have our amazing grandchildren Leo and Alex, to whom Rugy became the closest dog-cousin
I became a faithful grand-dog sitter and walker, tremendously enjoying the company of this effusive happy loving creature, of nature, until one day, Rugy charted onto an isolated unpredictable escapade.

On my mother first year's death anniversary in Feb 2023 (read here on Ruth Baum), my daughter Keren brought the dog along to Haifa Cemetery, as
there was no one to leave it with.
In retrospect, the cemetery is definitely not an appropriate substitute for a park location, nor it is a desirable dogly leisure activity, to be recommend..

We couldn't leave Rugy inside the locked car since although it was February the Israeli weather was quite hot that day, And we couldn't let it be tied up
un-watched, risking its theft.
At a certain point, while peacefully congregated around my mom's tombstone, I was asked to hold for a moment, the leashed dog, which I did.
Lo and behold at exactly that moment, Rugy resorted to an unexpected sprint dog mode, of an amok run, knocking me down and dragging me along.

Who knows what got into this beautiful dog's head, at that particular moment, as if it was bitten by a snake spell, or as if it was frequented by one of the spooky ghost's spirit, dwelling at the cemetery.
Initially, I didn’t let go of the leash, which was wrapped around my wrist, and attached to the mad distraught dog, on its run.
However, when I finally did, let go, I was found spread down on the cement path, with my elbow halting the plunge , but absorbing first, the shocking waves of the freak tumble

Disoriented, by the fall's excruciating agony and the "stars' blitz " that accompanied the tormenting pain, my frightened hoovering daughters, Keren and Inbal, scooped me up, off the path's floor, trying to revive me back to my senses, by offering , comfort, water and first aid, to disinfect the bleeding bruised, parts of my aching body.

The only thought which flickered through my shuttered brain, during this impactful crazy state, was that maybe my mom’s vengeance, for not visiting her grave-side, earlier or more often, was at play..…through the dog's vicious acting-out..

During my revival on the cemetery floor, Rugy got a grip over itself, and calmed down, However it kept staring straight into my eyes, with its dogly melting gaze, bewildered at my descended position, so compatible with its dogly height,
The dog was anticipating a play-tussle..
I, on the other hand, was ready to strangle it, at that horrible moment
The girls kept us apart..
Since I was due to fly-out that same week, back to the US, I was very worried about having to drag luggage, with a broken elbow and limping state.
However the X-Ray taken at the emergency, to where the girls rushed me, indicated that my limbs were intact, and the Dr. who examined me assured that I would be good as new, in few weeks.
It was also delicately suggested to resigned my grand -dog-sitting/walking duties, which I readily had, and haven't since then, dare to test the mysterious intentions of the dog nor was tempted to walked it.
Furthermore, the lessen to be learned: It is definitely a bad idea to take a dog to a cemetery, and if it starts puling, for any reason, . immediately let go off the leash..and better have it run away, then be knocked over..

Rugy had lived 4 very happy years in its Jerusalem diplomat apartment, prior to being moved to his next dogly important mission in Muscat Oman

While still in Israel Rugy loved best visiting its extended loving family in Tel Aviv - where it frequented the city's enticing beaches.
Swimming in the Mediterranean sea was its favorite pass time, as was running after other dogs, as well as between or over sun-bathers, covering the irritated beach goers, including myself , when I dared to be in its proximity, with white soft sand, it loved digging. in.

Also prior to the transfer to the Sultanate of Oman, Rugy earned much popularity when volunteering as a a Service Dog for the displaced families, who found a refuge shelter in Jerusalem after being impacted by the bloody Oct 7th/2023 Hamas-Israel war, .
Rugy was especially loving, kind and playful with the displaced many children whose life have been thrown into an unimaginable upheaval, Rugy too stocked up on the attention and hugs showered on it, before departing the country and facing the new changes
awaiting it.
And Rugy - the Super-Dog loved Dressing up to his image in Purin

Dogs are not being particularly loved nor welcomed in Arab countries, Neither is the desert heat of 40 C degrees on the average, during the summer months, a friendly walking environment for' an human,, let alone for furry dog..

The pleasure of bathing in the Indian Ocean Makran sea water at the Gulf of Oman, or at the wadi oft Salalah Oasis, as was waddling in the desert red dunes sand were all only small consoling gain, not a sufficient one, for Rugy to overcome all the losses incurred during its previous privileged life in Israel

Rugy lost, along with its loving mama -Keren, whom it terribly missed, as she stayed behind, in Israel as also its adorable cousins.
The Grands were very attached to it and the dog became their best coveted friend,
When Rugy wasn't around, the quite kids favorite play game was taking turns in pretending ,that one of them is the dog being taken by the leash, while the other bosses it around...
Experiencing more solicitude than Rugy ever felt in his previous life, this almost human-dog gifted with an amazing EQ , has developed sound communicative language, shared with his, as isolated Daddy companion.
Eli and Rugy carried heart to heart conversations during their stay in this repressive desert environment,
Commiserating about their mutual, lonesome destiny, was also evident from
the experienced cultural desert as is reflected at the computer/TV screens

But this sad existence didn't last long .. Good fortune,extracted them both out of the desolation and back to civilization
Excelling in its endurance, Rugy's next chapter landed it, this winter, back across the Atlantic in Washington DC, its birth homeland, where it was happily reunited with its puppy-hood's grand-dog sitters.
Rugy apparently, gave up sea bathing at this new habitat, however the dog discovered that rolling in the white powdered snow, of the freezing East Coast, can also derive sublime pleasure.

Although its changing life experiences, have been exciting and adventurous, and it has exhibited remarkable adaptive skills to the strange cultures and languages being subjected to, Rugy is most proficient and responsive to Hebrew, and misses the most its extended relatives in Israel.
They too miss Rugy very much and are looking forward to having the dog back in their lives., much sooner then later.
In Feb Keren and Rugy thrillingly reunited with each other in DC
The two "girls" were overflowing with excitement, joy and love , showering on each other intense hugs and kisses.
To be continued...