Place : Israel to Paris
Date: Oct' 3rd 2019
The experience of being slowly marinated, by the Israeli summer oppressive climate, and Political election blitz, throughout the months of August and September, was painfully excruciating .
Even the recent grand arrival in October, of the Jewish New Year , didn’t disperse the curses of the prolonged heat, nor sweeten the plague of the possible upcoming election's 3rd-round.
(we voted in the 2 previous ones).
Being subjected to those miseries when back to Israel this summer were justified by pressing baby-sitting duties.
A recent move of my expecting daughter, from a small TLV apartment to a much larger one, so the expanding family needs are accommodated, as well as lack of operating schools and summer camp services, during August, were the core exciting reasons.
After some false alert, but in contrast to the dramatic Israeli election which twice failed to give birth to an Israeli Government, our daughter Inbal- wife of Amit and mother to our first darling grand-child - Leo - had successfully, delivered Alex, on Sept 3rd, a beautiful 3.6 kilo baby-girl. The birth of this second grand-child, which was unfortunately accompanied by family not that comical errors, and miscommunication was also, an ultimate gift for David and mine 45th wedding anniversary, coinciding with the same date.
Thrilled and devoted grandparents as we may be, the acrobatic multitasking, overbearing heat, and irritating political circus, definitely earned us, at our advanced age, a break in Paris .
In the past we have visited Paris on numerous occasions, usually for short stay. However, for long David had a dream, to rent a spacious place, in one of the attractive quarters, and stay for over a month experiencing the city, beyond being an accidental tourist.
Few weeks prior to our departure, David enlisted over the web, the services of an excellent patient French instructor, who via private Skype lessons polished David’s limping French and had expanded his vocabulary. However the instructor had failed miserably, to imprint the French complicated grammar into David, as also David’s mother had when years before tried to do the same but in the Hebrew language.
Typically to the Naveh’ tradition, we mistakenly thought that our afternoon flight was one hour later than actually scheduled. Very stressed we arrived at the airport, at the last minute, on the usually busy Thursday, and had lined up with thousands of other Israelis, departing on a long holiday season weekend, only so we could sit grounded inside the airplane, for one hour of the flight's delay.
Leaving behind the Israeli cooking pressure heat, (30 c degrees), a crispy cool night (12c degrees) blended with the drama occurring while we were flying, of knifing terrorism incident at Paris Police headquarters, welcomed us, upon landing at Charles De Goal’s airport.

There is not to be said much about the hotel, which we booked for the first 3 nights until moving to the rental unit, was located at the great Latin Quarter, and that was its only remarkable merit.
The Latin Quarter -named from the Latin language, which was widely spoken in and around the University during the Middle Ages,
comprises the 5th and 6th Left Bank districts, located on the attractive west side of the Seine river.
Known for its historic center of learning, scholarship and artistic achievement, this is where the the Sorbonne is located as well as
the Pantheon,(burial places of Victor Hugo and Marie Currie, Alexandre Dumas, Voltaire, Emile Zola and more) the Museum Cluny, and the beautiful Gardens of Plantes and Luxembourg, just to mention few attractions
The Il St Louis (The Notre Dame) and La Marrais can be seen across
and the known St Michel and St Germain boulevards run through it.
Wishing you a Very Shiny Happy New Year full of honey🌞
and may you be signed to the Book of Life 📖
To be continued...