Place : Paris - Leonardo De-Vinchi at the Louvre
Date: Oct. 31th /2019
35 years ago I stepped into the magnanimous Louvre palace/museum for the first time in my life. Full of owe toward the building's architecture, its vastness, and the treasures its ceilings, floors and walls hold, hadn't been too much. Furthermore I recalled the majestic stairways, and long, human thinly, occupied corridors, which facilitated easy access to any object of art, which fancied my interest. Forget this pastoral picture at the museum. Nowadays.
low-cost flights and easy affordable vacations, activated
tsunami floods of visitors, who have been swarming the museum, shine or rain, like uncontrollable starving locust. The line and wait at the entrances into the museum, through the security , and then at the exhibits' tickets' check were long, long long. The glass pyramid hall, the museum's exhibit rooms, corridors, cafes, and in the adjacent underground shopping zone, were one large human either parked or turtle speed traffic jam.

But the worst was the human sardine-packed hall, wall to wall, in which people lined up for hours, to take a peek at and a picture of the da-Vinci's iconic small Mona Lisa painting. (in its permanent collection).

Knowing about this upcoming exhibit for some time, I succeeded in
getting tickets, a head of time, to today's midday visit. Having tickets to a specific hour, saved a lot on the entry wait time, but not with the swelled volume of people, who frequented the exhibit, at the same time slot. Yet, with some Israeli elbowing and pushiness, we succeeded seeing all on display, and enjoyed very much this special exhibit .
Add of :Portrait of a Woman (La Belle Ferroniere), about 1492-4

The da Vinci exhibition is held under the high patronage of French President Emmanuel Macron
2019 is a year of commemoration, marking the 500-year anniversary of the death (1519) of the great Italian Renaissance genius -Leonardo da Vinci in Amboise - of the Loire Valley -France.
As Michelangelo and Raphael were Rome's favorite artist during the reign of Pope Leo X and after his patron Giuliano de’ Medici died,
da Vinci left Italy in 1516 for France, at the invitation of the new French king, François I . The king provided Leonardo with residence at the Château du Clos Lucé, (neighboring the king’s residence at Amboise) and appointed da Vince to his “First Painter, Engineer and Architect to the King,”- a position for which the artist received a princely allowance.
This is where da Vinci spent the last 3 years of his life, compiling notes on various scientific and artistic subjects and working on the paintings he had brought with him to France, such as Saint Anne, the Mona Lisa and Saint John the Baptist, as well as doing work on hydraulic projects, festivities for the king, and a monumental equestrian sculptures. The paintings da Vince brought to France were purchased by François I and entered the royal collections, forming later the beginning of the Louvre’s collection.
Aside from this exhibit, the Louvre has in its possession the largest collection in the world of da Vinci’s paintings, as well as 22 drawings.
The Louvre mange to bring as many as possible of the 14-17 paintings now attributed in total, to da Vinci.
Study of Hands

This special international retrospective exhibit which also was presented previously in the UK, focuses on displaying as many of the artist’s paintings as possible, related to five core subject works :
The Virgin of the Rocks,
La Belle Ferronnière,
the Mona Lisa (which will remain in the gallery where it is normally displayed),
the Saint John the Baptist, and
the Saint Anne.
Leda and the Swan

These core work was placed alongside a large array of drawings, illustrations, and study sketches, as well as a small but significant series of paintings and sculptures from the master’s circle.
His many illustration booklets, on display, which are filled with geometrical drafts and mathematical calculations, reveal his rigorous scientific approach, encompassing every field of knowledge
“the science of painting,” was the instrument for his abilities to master shade, light and space as well as other artistic practises and pictorial techniques, drafted to bring life into his paintings.
One of da Vinci illustration book

Once out of the museum, relieved for leaving the masses behind, the we opted for a stroll on the close-by "Rue Sain Honrore" .
Though it was most enjoyable, the prices of the upscale elegant haute-couture shops/boutiques, of this street, didn't really agree with us nor brought down our blood pressure still elevated, due to the visit at the mobbed museum.
The 2km long street which was laid out in the middle ages, is named after the collegial Saint-Honoré church situated in ancient times within the cloisters of Saint-Honoré.
In addition to many restaurants and upscale boutiques of luxury brands there are number of museums, the Jardin des Tuileries, and the Saint-Honoré market, as well as the grand building which houses the Comédie Française theater and Palais Royal complex.
What brought us to the Palais Royal beautiful premise, was my friend Marcia, who shared that her favored scarf shop in Paris is housed at one at the Palais Royal stores. I got intrigued and paid a visit to the elegant boutique, which is known for its variety and quality of Danish designed and India manufactured, beautiful scarves.

Epice - Dennish Scarves Boutique at Palais Royal 33 (0)1 42 96 68 26
Palais Royale - Cardinal Richelieu Palace.
Originally called the Palais-Cardinal, is a former royal palace situated
opposite the Louvre, at the heart of the historic city center.
It was built in 1634 for Cardinal Richelieu, by French architect Lemercier, who also designed the Sorbonne. It became a royal residence during the regency of Anne of Austria, and then the seat of the Orléans family from 1661. The palace was completed and modified in the 18th and 19th centuries.
The stunning complex is now also the seat of the state theater Comédie-Française, (Founded in 1680, it is the oldest active theatre company in the world and was also known as "The House of Molière"), and the famous "Grand-Véfour" restaurant, (
in which we dined once, several years ago and I was not at all excited by its very pricey food.

Alongside its outdoor's arcade galleries, the beautiful boutiques, cafes and garden/recreation spaces, are a great attraction for the locals and tourists alike. Contemporary art is displayed in the main courtyard and black and white columns at different sizes, designed by Buren, are a fun playground for kids to jump on. There are also two mobile fountains by Pol Bury, to see and enjoy.
Food Bites:
We had a nice dinner at this place we liked off Palais Royal
"Vin &Maree - 16 Saint Honore Fish Restaurant 01 42 86 06 96
To be continued...