Some more feedback to the Paris Travel Logs
Beverley reflected:
"You are waking my old brain to fond memories. Thank you
I even went to the English hutch to look at the Baccarat I purchased in Paris. It is probably time to give the crystal to the family.
A week from tonight my darling, granddaughter will be married
But the millennials really don’t want the fine china and crystal. YET"
Joyce stated:
"I am really enjoying your travelogue! Your trip sounds fantastic and I love how you write about it. Thank you very much for including us"
Robyn wrote:
"Really enjoying your Travel log of Paris. Forwarding on to my daughter...Thank you!"
Brian commented:
"Thanks for adding me to the recipient list for your blog. The photos are great, and so interesting, and the text notes are very informative. I sent this blog, without your email address attached, to a friend who is in a nursing home in Oakland, California. He's a retired teacher. He can't travel anymore, but three places he's mentioned in the past as having especially loved are Barcelona, Paris, and Hawaii. The friend has short-term memory problems, following a medical incident about 6 or 7 years ago, but he'll enjoy those photos, and just knowing they were taken in Paris should raise his spirits."
Vicky stated:
"I am enjoying your Parisian Travel Diary very much. Paris is one of my favorite cities, maybe my favorite, and I've been there quite a few times. Some of the places you're highlighting I've never explored so I am very grateful =- also for the restaurant tips (but we have to get there sooner than later as so many things change, even in Paris). Have you visited the Louies Vuitton Foundation? It's worth a trip outside the central city.
Have you picked up on what I've been told is an increased anti-semitic undercurrent?
P.S. good job including the photos. I do the same when we travel."
FIAC Saturday - Day 1
Ora - our friend who has been residing in Paris for over 25 years, enjoys and knows the Parisian culture, arts and the Jewish scene.
She is also very versed in the restaurants of Paris, and even earned David's trust, whose high standard's bar is unbeatable.
She has been the perfect friend-companion-shepherd who has made our visit in Paris so much more special, and we enjoy spending time with her.
She also cared to get us tickets to the FIAC - the International art Fair - and met us Saturday morning, between the stunning Grand Palais and the Petit Palais, where in the open space, next to the gorgeous palaces structures, 4 tent pavilions were temporarily assembled, each about 200 meters long.
Thank G-d for these waterproof roof covered portable structures a-la French style, as it had kept us dry and warm during the terrible rain pouring throwout the day.
These long tents contained hundreds of modern high-end art galleries displaying mainly contemporary art work: sculptures, furniture's and a vast painting collection of some known artists like : Renoir Miro, Dali, Andy Waterhole, Jeffrey koons, and many more of upcoming ones. The long walk through about 200 galleries with unbelievably exquisite art, was most thrilling . I couldn't stop admiring the collection nor quitting taking photos.
The french amazing designs and attention to details invested into these temporary exhibit pavilions, with its bright light fixtures, plush carpets, most attractive sitting areas, beautiful portable toilets, two Italian known brand LIVIO restaurants,
and coffee corners, all at FAIR prices, amazed us.
Even a uniformed dressed concierges in case you “ needed “ a glass of champagne to relax you, off your feet during the walk, was in duty
mingling with crowds of people strolling in and out.
Grand Palais

FIAC 2019: Oct' 17 to 20 - Foire Internationale d'Art Contemporain
International Contemporary Art Fair,
One of the most important events for international art scene
Every year, the FIAC brings from around the world (over 20 countries) art galleries/art dealers to present the trendiest artists and emerging artists exhibiting in their galleries.
The 46th edition of the FIAC has been presenting about 200 art galleries, in the following locations : the Grand Palais, the Tuileries Gardens, the Place Vendôme and the Petit Palais..
The exhibited work of arts is for sale and can be negotiated.
The outdoor installations are set in the open for all to enjoy for free.
All along the FIAC, artists, dancers and performers were showing their talents
Inside the Pavilion: "Babel-Paris version Tower"- Eric de Ville

Inside a Pavilion: Dali

Inside a Pavilion : Geoffrey Koons

Inside the Pavilion -Yashiki Japanese

Ballons Tower

Inside the Petit Palace - 40 FIAC Installations
Built for the 1900 World Expo it is now a museum of Fine Arts
It is very similar to the Grand Palais, which it faces, and It has a magnificent courtyard and garden, were many of the installations were placed
Indoor - "Breast as Woman Power" by Laure Prouvost
Cotton Tapestry and Murano Glass.
This French artist already made her fame at the Venice Biennale May 2019

Indoors - Candled Shoes

Outdoors by the Petit Palais -“Bouquet of Tulips" Jeff Koons

In front of the palace - Churchill statue- Permanent installation- the Greatest of them all

To be continued...