Place : Paris - Saint Germain (6district)
Date: Monday Oct' 7th 2019
Up to now we mostly were mobile, covering lots of mileage by our feet.
A need for an essential gadget, required a Metro ride to the Sainte Germain Market's Apple store. Thus, getting a monthly unlimited rechargeable Metro pass, which also covers bus rides, was the practical solution to our prolonged stay transpotayion's needs.
Since the pass required photo id, a plain copy from our passourt's photo ones, did the trick, and off we ventured to district 6th.
Marche Sainte Germain - Market Hall off St Germain Blv
The old attractive covered market was built according to a rectangular design at the Odeon 6 district. Originally the market and the fair Saint German were attached to the Saint Germain des Pres meadows. The food market has been there since 1486 and it became covered in the 1880s. After changes in size, function and and in mercantile hands, throughout the years, in 2017 the refurbished market reopened to the public in its current structure.
International brands conquered and colonized its space by establishing the following stores:
The American Apple mega store of 1,300sm, Swiss Nespresso at 500sm, the Japanese Uniqlo on 800 sm, and the British Mark & Spenser Food on 1000sm . The remaining space is occupied by the local French restaurant, a butcher, and stands selling fruits, vegetables, cheese and fish.
Right around the corner looms the famous abby:
A beautiful Benedictine abbey founded in the 6c which, was the burial place, away for the flood water of the saine, of Merovingian kings of Neustria
The tomb of philosopher René Descartes is also located in one of the church's side chapels

And in few street distance another religious structure:
Roman Catholic church, from 1646 , though originally constructed during the 13th c. It is slightly smaller than Notre-Dame and thus the second largest church in the city.
Saint-Sulpice church, was used in the filming of U.S. author Dan Brown’s ‘Da Vinci Code’ bestseller,
The Fontaine Saint-Sulpice in front of the church is monumental.
It was constructed between 1843 and 1848 by the architect Louis Visconti, who also designed the tomb of Napoleon.
There are 4 lions at each corner and 4 figures who represent 4French religious figures of the 17th century famous for their eloquence

A facinating sculpter captured my attention at Place Michele Debre
Cesar, a prominent French artist who was born in Marseilles to Italian immigrant parent, created large sculptures formed by crushed cars and scrap iron, and designed this impressive man-horse statue.

Food Bites
Right by Saint Gernain des Pres, on Saint Germain Blvd. there are few known/popular Parisian food establishments, we passed which became famous due to the literary persons who frequented them,
"Les Deux Megot" Cafe/Restaurant
A literary cafe which attracted many writers such as Paul Verlaine , Arthur Rimbaud and Stéphane Mallarmé who used to meet there, and thus the Cafe began to play an important role in the cultural life of Paris.
Another most charming Parisian institution from 1885 of historic literary, philosophical, cultural, artistic, and international attraction center. Writers Joris-Karl Huysmans and Remy de Gourmont are among his first regulars.

In 1880 it was opened as a brewery by the Lipp owner who added
special dishes that go well with beer.
A Ralph Lauraine- American style eating Establishment, with a charming patio great for lunch, serving Maine, crab from Maryland, organic Black Angus beef from the USA, steaks and fillets from Ralph Laurent’s own ranch in Colorado.
After 4 nights, in a row, of outdoor restaurant dining, we needed a respite and had great home cooking dinner at "Shez David" ...
My dear foodie husband, carefully choose the best local lamb-chops and cooked them to perfection.
May this extensive account on eating establishments carry you through the hours of the upcoming Yom Kippur fasting, together with
the "Food for the Soul"
Be forgiving and forgiven and be inscribed in the Book of Life.
Gemar Chatima Tova
To be continued...