The day prior to our departure from Israel to Europe,

the winter weather temperature glided into the 80F (27C) and in parallel, the deep political crisis of peaceful demonstration for 8 past weeks, stepped up, got heated and skidded into a civil violent protests spread all over the country. s

Major traffic disruptions and blockage of key intersections, by the anxious protesters deeply fearing the legislative amok blitz of the current hallucinatory Gov. that push a judiciary overall, or more correctly, galloping into dictatorship, had spun out of control.
Stopping the Galloping Judiciary Revolution Train

The police deployed its cavalier squad, trumped the protesting crowd on the moved,, as well as used stun grande and physical force .
The scene were horrific. The country is on the verge of very dangerous civic war and anarchy is already there.
In the Evening the Protests Swelled up in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv

There is no responsible leadership and no functioning "adult". There is no one reducing the explosive pyromaniac flame, nor anyone offering any workable unifying vision, that can be agreed on and shared by 3 competing existing camps:
The Zionist Israeli camp fighting for democratic governing principles,
The Jewish National Settlers , fighting for national Zionist expansion principles
and the Ultra Religious Jewish sect fighting for masonic Jewish state governing principles
Unless a shared governing vision and Constitution is attained at this crisis which may also be an opportunity, very sadly there is no secure future to any of the camps and the country.
Sarah Netanyahoo accosted by protesters (here)
What had behooved the wife of Prime-minister' - Sarah Netanyahoo to insist on having her hair-due done, especially on this protest disruption day contaminated by police violence, despite all advanced warning given to her, is beyond any normal logic.

Her emotional imperiousness to the bleeding pain of more than half of the nation, and dum insistence on
an hair-due, at a hairsalon in Tel -Aviv Kikar Hamedina square, attracted a mass protestors' hold at the hair-salon door front, for over 3 hours, before her extrication by the police.
A true waste of police's time and resources , and another disgraceful black mark on this disruptive senseless ruling family, which shamelessly carries its life, as if the state exists to serve its completes needs.
This saga released a creative body of artistic sarcasm and humorous writing and posts
Coming soon to theaters near you.. after premiering in Tel-Aviv
This past week we attended the 8th weekend (3/25) peaceful protest and the"emergency Protest conference for Democracy (3/24) which was initiated by an organization named "Zulat" founted by previous Meretz Kneset member - Zehava Galon, and which promotes Equality/Human rights- a contra , agenda to that of the extreme Rightist ideological "Forum Kohelt" which concocted the "poisonous porridge" dished out to clueless,, fascists and pyromaniac opportunists.
At the "Emergency Protest Conference For Democracy" (here)
Zulat along with other very concerned organizations, leaders and half of the state's civilians, are the spear-head of this protest movement, adamant to fight for their freedom and Democratic character of the state, according to the 1948 Independence Declaration principles
Head of Zolat organization - Zehava Galon - Democracy will Win
נשיאת זולת זהבה גלאון בוועידת הארץ לדמוקרטיה 2023: הדמוקרטיה תנצח
Ehud Bark דמוקרטיה, ועידת חירום: אהוד ברק
At the 8th weekend of protests
It was the largest so far, over 160, 000 all over the country, with main centers in Tel Aviv , Haifa, and Jerusalem.

It is good to Protest for our Country

"Without Democracy we will not Work/Pay/Fight"
Azreli Intersection

At Dizingoff Square

Speakers protesting and for Democracy

A Demi Tank brought to Tel Aviv by veterans of Yom Kippur war whose effort to steal and bring a real tank to previous weekend's protests, failed.

Largest Protest in Haifa over 30,000
Photographed by Shuki

In Jerusalem photographed by Kobi
The Negev Fights for Democracy

Escapism in Nature
In the midst of all this upheavaled week, venturing in midweek on the last day of February (2/28) into the awakening flowery nature, was an escapism of relief.

Tzora Forest - was the destination we headed with our dear friends Chani and Kobi, on a very hot winter day..
The Forest offers wonderful marked walking trails, an archeological honed, environmental sculptures, playgrounds, picnic areas, and a big variety of wild flowers which covered a big exposed meadow created after a forest fire, which displayed a carpeted landscape of blazing red anemones, and other flowers
Fantastic Lunch was at an outdoors restaurant in Ein Rafa
A small charming pastoral Arab village 10 km west of Jerusalem situated on the other side of Route 1 to Abu Ghosh with a population of about 1300, and beautiful views of Jerusalem mountains. The village was Founded in founded in the 1940s when the Barhom family moved there and most of the residents of the village are descended from that family

Rashta Chef Restaurant
A great place in front of breathtaking view, and below a towering mosque offering special authentic Arabic dishes, of local produce, grown in the green fields surrounding.

At the restaurant outdoors spacious terrace
And on most optimistic note.....to bring a smile on one face
the little one gets what. the megalomaniac ministers fail to
It is an end of this post but definitely not an end of this deep chasm.