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Travel: 4 days 3 nights in Eilat -Israel July 3rd-6th 2020

Date: July 3rd-6th/2020

Place: Eilat -Israel

By: Lili Naveh

4 days 3 nights in Eilat -Israel

Only a day after getting our freedom back, out of the 2 weeks of the compulsory confinement, we hit the road again, heading to southernmost quaint Isreali beach resort town - Eilat - a gate to the Red Sea.

Later we heard that also Israeli president Rivlin, was detected visiting Eilat's Marine Observatory. He, too, thought it was a great idea vacationing there, at the same time, and had encouraged Israelis to follow his example.

The roads and Hwy-s leading to Eilat - on the July 3rd Friday morning, were unusually barely busy, with only sparced traffic. The uneventful smooth ride from TLV took less than 4 hours.

Amazingly, once entering the city's limits, the traffic had picked up, and when passing throughout the dense and lacking any urban planning Eilat's north beach hotels' strip, the traffic had swelled up, snaking in one long bumper to bumper congestion.

The iconic familiar site of where, once the compact, yet most convenient Eilat's city old Airport used to spread out, looked like an open oozing wound, a neglected and deserted field.

Against the wishes of the city's ~ 50,000 inhabitants, the airport sadly got relocated further up north, replacing in 2019 the two existing airports - the City's one and that of Ovda Airport, morphing into a larger modern Ramon Airport.

It is only a matter of time before developers will erect and add more hotels and high rises, to the already over built skyline of this now economically struggling town, which just in April had suffered 70% of unemployment, as the virus ravaged turism.

Israel has been gliding toward another total lockdown with the latest second spike. Restrictive measures on Leisure and Entertainment venues, are now enforced again, with El Al airline already grounded

(Gathering is allowed up to only 20 people in public spaces and up to only 50 at restaurants, , Bars Gyms, public Swimming Pools, events halls Theaters, are now closed or opening is delayed again).

These further limitations on assembling are experienced as another economic death decree. Small businesses and restaurant owners, backed by many city's mayors, lost their faith in the Gov's decision makers, who often don't adhere to their own rulings. Thus this time this work segment decided not to adhere, any longer to the latest rulings.

Neither the leaders of communities were willing to enforce the new rules nor submit the disobedients to fines, if the Gov neglects to compensate those impacted, for loss of income. More info

Meanwhile Eilat's hotels were carrying on with their hospitality as if Corona's hell had never existed. Amazingly, the latest pandemic draconic decrees had excluded Eilath's hotels.

The Dan Eilat hotel to which we checked into, at midday, was completely booked, this weekend, as were the nearby hotels, experiencing a local turism full occupancy surge.

Israeli nation was celebrating life to its fullest, during the heat, not only of this second corona spike., but also despite the weather inferno - 43C 110F in the shade.

The brave vacationers congregated in droves, by the pebbled shores of the country's popular resort, also overflowing its hotel pools.

Face coverings were obligatory worn at the hotel's public spaces, but not much physical distance had been maintained between the many families who flocked to town, with their children's surplus..

We escaped and launched by the breezy sea strip, where the distance was marked by the beach's umbrellas intervals. Those provided relief from the blazing sun, as well as shielded us from closeness to other families, who we needed to constantly shoo off, since many were willing to abandon the protective physical distance rules, for sharing a spot under a sliver of protective shade.

Only after the couple was done with the diving, they were told that a whale shark which made the day's news, was spotted at the Bay.

Apparently this harmless shark, they had almost had "close encounters" with, sparked a scare at Eilat beach .

"World’s largest fish species, which poses no danger to humans, appears amid Israelis swimmers in Red Sea"

See the video showing the shark’s fin ominously appearing above the surface of the water as swimmers shouted warnings.

Eilat isn't known for its restaurants, so throughout our stay we stuck to

one which its doof all our family liked a lot

"Pastory" Italian Seafood at Eilat North Beach

It was a great, especially appreciated, though too short family vacation.

A true celebration of life, in defiance to these crazy unpredictable Corona times. Then back to TLV.

Stay Healthy , Stay Safe and Stay Connected


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