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Story: Corona Reflections # 7, TLV Feb. 2/2021

The supposedly wet and cold month of February, which is also my Aquarius birth month, erupted forcefully, with a summer-like sunny heat-wave, (25 C) defying the iconic "water carrier", zodiac symbol, that usually sprays bucket- loads of rain showers, this time of the year.

However, flooding Israel, with a blitz of international Corona variants, has continued...

In addition to the original senior Chinese Asian strain, which threw the world into a mad whirlpool, the junior next generation of the British, Californian , South African and Brazilian strains, all joined the nightmarish viral tempest, by even, faster contagious spiral surge.

It was even reported that Brazil patients were simultaneously infected with 2 Covid variants in 'new virus pathway'. The mixture of two different strains of the virus in one host could be "another evolutionary pathway for the virus" leading to even more contagious variants in future

Not only the virus got out of control, but, also the weather in CA as was reported,, damaged home, caused mud flows, knocked down power and toppled trees

I was so hoping, that by the start of this month, the world would finally be set free.

and off the extremes it was locked onto.

However, Israel, into which we arrived in July 2020, to join our daughters, is now on its 3rd extended lock-down round, within these long 8 months of our stay. here.

In the global competition on the rate and length of imposed lock-downs, Israel seems to be leading toward the top of the list.... The Gov, which either has no clue nor gumption to enforce differential solutions, just extended the closure on the entire country, for, yet another week .

The country's main airport, which for months was left open for traveling Israelis, has been now closed off, for 2 weeks, to prevent additional mutative variants from being imported with the returning vacationers, from Dubai, UK or the US.

Yet, the country was not hermetically locked. Senselessly, the Land Border

crossings from Jordan, were left open...inviting those stuck on route and adamant to return, to also add more to that pool of growing viral strains .....

Israeli hospitals are overwhelmed and operating over- capacity, in serving disproportionately highly inflicted Arab and Ultra orthodox communities.

In addition to residing in dense and overpopulated large households, their ideological and cultural beliefs, madly compel the extreme among them, to continue with inflated indoor gatherings.

Maintaining open educational venues and conducting huge weddings and funerals, despite the Gov restrictive regulations, breed these rebellious super spreaders into contagious ticking bombs, while making, the rest already furious, other citizens, further hostile toward these populations and towrd the criminal impotent Gov, which facilitates.

Rabbi Soloveitchik Funeral Jan 31/20201

Bloody altercation with the police, anarchy, property vandalism, increased fines, risking sickness and death, as well as much lower vaccination consumption rates, are the lethal price these criminals are willing to pay, for worshiping their false Gods, adhering not to the State laws, but only to their their dogmatic religious leaders.

It is now over a year since the beastly pandemic engulfed our own life, and that of the rest of the world. Its terrifying mutative gnawing teeth keep chipping away at people's physical and psychological welfare, as well as their lives and livelihood, destroying the economic, social, and educational infrastructures, and denying us of cultural escape.

Nature, on the other hand, seems to be completely oblivious to this viral mayhem, and has no inhibitions in expressing its beauty, as the a dazzling full winter bloom shows at a the center of TLV garden.

Despite the vaccines, I fear that, no near hopeful end, to this calamity, to be seen on the horizon....Not that much, yet, is known on what the mutations or vaccinations will unfold. either.

Many experts say that the mutated versions of the coronavirus threaten to prolong the pandemic, perhaps for years — killing more people and deepening the global economic crisis in the process. The end to the pandemic may be getting further away.

“It may take four to five years before we finally see the end of the pandemic and the start of a post-COVID normal,”

Our entire family was lucky to get our vaccination shots, and didn't experience any of the mentioned above reactive sensations. However, listening earlier on zoom to a presentation given by TLV Ichilov hospital's expert addressing questions which listeners (about 200 people), posed concerning Corona vaccination symptoms, the following was shared on the zoom call:

Some reported a temporary facial paralysis. Others complained about ant-like sensation in their injected arm or also in their legs. Another complained about a blurred eye sight... low energy and fatigue.

So many did experience various reactions , and many more after the second shot ... be prepared.

The Israeli Health Ministry and the Maccabi HMO released new data on people who had received both doses of the Pfizer vaccine. The ministry found that out of 428,000 Israelis who had received their second doses, a week later only 63, or 0.014%, had contracted the virus. Similarly, the Maccabi data showed that more than a week after having received the second dose, only 20 out of roughly 128,600 people, 0.01%, had contracted the virus.

 Maccabi reported that out of the 20 people infected, 50% suffer from chronic illnesses. All patients experienced a mild illness. No one was hospitalized.

So supposedly we should be protected???

But who knows for how long?? and against which mutative strains.???

It seems that rapidly mutating pathogenic viruses just don’t have vaccines - like HIV , and except for flu vaccines there are few other vaccines that are challenged by mutants. A professional opinion submitted to Israel Health Ministry has recommended against using COVID-19 antibody tests to determine whether a person is immune to the coronavirus, saying the tool isn’t reliable enough to determine who is eligible to get a “green passport” that grants exemptions from certain restrictions. Based on years of vaccine experience and the science of immunology, David shared his conclusions : 1) if you were infected the antibody repertoire elicited by the full virus is broader than from vaccine . Therefore you may be more protected to variants . “ May” .

There is a low likelihood that the response to the spike- vaccine is stronger , but narrower 2) if you have antibodies you are protected . 3) if you don’t have antibodies 3 months after vaccination your immune system is weak 4) if you don’t have antibodies after 6 months it does not mean you are not protected 5) the default immune system memory is about one year . This is not related to the yearly news variants in the flue vaccines . The only vaccine that needs to cope with mutations is the flue vaccine Biology is not absolute .

Even the report from a friend who escaped to Costa Rica hardly lifted my spirit.

Shew wrote:

<<We are in Costa Rica and love the sun and surf. It is very relaxing here and feeling Covid free. We understand that doctors are using hydroxychoriquin (HCQ) with great success here and death rates are very low>>

In a country of about 5 M, it was reported that almost 200K were infected and over 2,500 died. That is little consolation...

Appropo HCQ - Remember the drug that was so loved to be hated....a year ago...?

A new study posted in the American Journal of Medicine in January found that early treatment of coronavirus patients with hydroxychloroquine lowered the mortality rate for the disease. The emphasis is on EARLY TREATMENT

According to there have been 237 studies, 171 of which were peer reviewed that show 67% of patients improved in early treatment trials.

If HCQ proves to be effective in treating at an early stage coronavirus, can you imagine how many lives could have been spared, had this drug not be so politicized???

And there is obliviously a need for many more anti viral medications to treat this pandemic if we to win over it, and prevent death of the more critical cases.

Another friend from Ca wrote: <<In Calif , numbers are leveling from Xmas and New Year holidays. Everything is closed but restaurants for take out only. Chairs are stacked up one on top of the other. Sad beyond belief. For recent signs on business, out of business signs, closed signs. Feels like a ghost town. >>

CA with 40M population, over 3 M were infected and over 40k dead.

Over 440K are dead in the entire US with over 26 M impacted,

And yet, the US is doing so little of the genetic sequencing needed to detect new variants of the coronavirus. and the window is closing to find and slow the spread of variants.

Israel is running toward 5000 number of dead, with 650k infected, still despite over 3M vaccinated.. Black January 2021 saw the highest death tall.

Over 2.2 M - an incomprehensible number - are now dead in the world entire, while the numbers of the daily infected and those still dying are only on the rise, and while vaccination administration, in many countries, is in a shamble, to put it mildly...

Sorry for my own bleak forecast....

In a search of a spark for a brighter vision, and to lull the despair, at this birth month, I even resorted, something I never do, to the zodiac "illuminated" wisdom....

Aquarius Zodiac says the following:

<<Being an Aquarius born on February, your personality is defined by your open and imaginative nature. In all your dealings, social and professional, you adopt an honest and straightforward attitude. As a result, you are a true example of the statement, "what you see is what you get." Your family, friends and coworkers appreciate your avoidance of mind games and manipulation, almost as much as they admire your imagination. Your active mind allows you to see all the possibilities. In situations where no one can seem to come up with a solution, your imagination allows you to creatively solve problems.

Air is your sign's paired element and of all 12 zodiac signs, you have the only fixed connection with air. Your special connection with air makes you determined and stubborn, much like a strong, forceful gust of wind. Air's influence can also be found in your curiosity. When you find a topic interesting, your curiosity takes wings and leads you to knowledge and understanding. >>

Well.... no wonder I see reality as it is .. so says... the zodiac ..

The imagination which the zodiac alludes to , is propelled by the the spiritual "wind" that blows life and content into my writing.....

In that story of the imagination, the plague will subside, the colorful calmness of the rainbow will return to decorate the horizon, and peace between the diabolic forces of nature set against mankind, will be reinstated, like it always had before, throughout history,

Lets hope hope that this peace arrives much sooner then later, and definitely prior to my next year's Birthday!

And that the best medicinal healing for the spirit, which the magic of cultural performances provides, will revive, as per the clip below, this spring!

Actors of "Habima" theater singing in Belinson Hospital

Stay Healthy , Stay Safe, Stay Sane


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