Date: Oct. 5th -Oct 6th
Place: Agios Stefanos - Corfu Town
By: Lili Naveh
Stocking on Food Supplies in Corfu
Across from where our fantastic rental apartments are situated at the Agios Stefanos Beach, there is a low green hill above the shore, which is dotted with red roof small houses, and among them, bulges out, against the hill’s lush vegetation, a deep blue colored free standing house

A steep narrow unpaved path, by which fig trees, grape vines, cactus fruits, and olive grove, hung at its margins, erects from the beach, all the way up to the top of the slanted hill.
What had motivated us to take a climb up to where the grand Blue house stood, was a promise, that right behind that house, a special home-made products made by a local resident, like olive oil, yogurt, and honey, could be found and sold.
The alleged maker of those products was actually a long haired toothless local Goat shepherd, whom we encountered on the way up, herding his white goats.

Leo, our 4 years old grand, excitedly chased after the goats, in effort to pet one, and the herd in turn, speedily trotted away and up the hill in-gathering into the comfort of their fenced pen, were roaming around flee of colorful chickens, noisily greeted the goat's return.

Using sign language the shepherd lured us to his dilapidated dwelling, hidden completely behind the blue house, at the highest point top of the hill .
His peculiar, also toothless, kind of "baba-yaga" wife was not too happy
when we rejected the olive oil, the wife reluctantly let us taste and which
had no olive taste, nor aroma.
Though we bailed out of taking the chance on any of the other home made “delights”, and disappointed departed empty handed, we walked back down
brim-full with spectacular scenery impressions of Agios Stefanos bay, and of Arillas bay/village seen from the steep rocky slopes of this edge point. on the other side,

As the sleepy Agios Stefanos village has been emptying out, gradually but consistently, the local restaurants and small supermarkets, which any way carry very limited unremarkable supply, have been shutting up, leaving stranded beyond the season's visitors, without decent provisions.
St Stefanos

That unfortunate circumstances compelled us to take a special excursion, this time with Inbal and the 2 grands, back to Corfu Town, to stock up on necessities.
The weather was strangely very hot, grayish and windy, but much more friendlier, than on the first rainy hazardous ride from Corfu to the village.
In only one hour record drive, and despite the steep curvy often very precarious slim roads, we made it back to town, to do our extensive food shopping round...
Those of you who are familiar with David's foody appetite and aptitude, can trust he wouldn't compromise on produce quality, and would take the extra mile
to search for only the freshest, finest and tastiest gourmet groceries and cuisine.
We started the "gathering/hunting" expedition at the Corfu Central Market, then stopped at a few delicatessens, at the cheese store, the Bakery and last we stopped over at 2 supermarkets.
By the end of this grocery shopping spree which took us the entire day, in addition to the overflowing loaded trunk, and the cramped space at the jam-packed interior of the car, the car got sunken and much slower due to the brim-full heavy quantities of the merchandise, which hardly could it carry us up, through the steep mountainous ridge...
Considering the vigorous appetite of our family and that food-consumption is the main entertainment, in this attraction-less, almost all shut down village, I pray that all we shopped for will last us more than just one week...
Although our daughter Inbal and the 2 grands were the real heroes, being shlapped and lasting, amazingly, through this entire long day, I can't imagine repeating the same experience, on a weekly basis...

This local charming renovated fish/vegetable market is located at the center of town under the walls of the new Fortress. It offers the most colorful variety of fresh produce and seafood cornucopia.
Very good bread Bakery
It is located at an alley just off the entrance to market
Mapkopa 15 tel 2661044756
For more Gourmet choices
Feta cheese best Brands: Dodoni and Ipiros
Recommended Corfu fantastic Sheep Yogurt
A very good Olive OIL brand - GAEA
Yogurt and Olive oil

To be Continued...